Enter the age of forty years, women have generally shown no fear and no longer. Come on girls...lets began to treat our skin. The beautiful skin healthy and able to increase self-confidence, especially before the men. When entering the age of forty years skin has begun to slacken, we also face the skin. If such Titik Puspa, a grandmother who is caring for the skin.

With the help of treatment in the salon, spa treatment, or even your own home. The key you want to try and discipline in treating skin and avoid direct sunlight exposure. Because the sun is enemy to the skin, especially of our women. There are several types of treatment performed in a simple house. You must be smart enough in choosing beauty products that match your skin.

Aged skin is fragile, dry, and sensitive. Therefore, mild cleanser and no astringent skin care products should be used. You should be very careful in using chemical peelings especially those using trichloracetic acid or phenol, which are very strong and require long time healing. In addition, UV rays can damage irreversible your new skin layers.

For cleaning the face, use a gentle cleanser in the form of a cream, which can be used during morning and evening. To moisturizer, you should choose a good womb SPF 15 or 20. Or moisturizer that green tea has womb or lycopene that act as elastisit skin. And should you use a moisturizer that has 2 types of antioxidants that are used alternately, as the type of antioxidants can overcome the problem of different skin.

The correct treatment night, is affecting the skin condition, because at night is when skin formulas work. So you do not select one of beauty products, not to become a boomerang for your skin. One is the right cosmetics cosmetics containing retinoid, which has the function flek, thicken skin epidermis and able to withstand UV sun rays.

Retinoid can be used every two days, because for sensitive skin may be less appropriate when used too often. Ok, guys ... the youth, women, mothers .... I hope this info can help us all.

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