Hmmm ... 2 months more precisely at the end of October is the halloween celebration. Me and some friends plan to hold halloween parties at home. In addition to inviting another friend, I also include my family and my entire nephew. The aim of this celebration is togetherness and costume party. And costumes that the most important points. We began to make decorations and decorate the room with a Halloween theme. We are preparing for the pumpkin, lamps and light, also skeleton and the skull accessories. And we can get, sites that are recommended for all of us.

Currently I'm preparing for my Halloween costume with some friends. Yesterday we found a place to buy Halloween costumes in a mall. But the model is very limited and we are looking for adult's Halloween costumes as a theme. And I’m looking for unique accessories for my self. And I will wear iPhone Halloween costumes. I also imagine about my cosmetic and make up for my self. My friends choosing witch costumes that brought magic broom. Meanwhile, my nephew wearing costumes of her figures idol.

My mother prepare for Halloween meal for us and all guest. And I was buy for candy will gives for those who just in house at Halloween night. Also my mother prepares for turkey, the biggest chicken I ever know hehehe.... Fortunately all of Halloween costumes that we needs, we can find in My little nephew also found her costume in this site. Wah ... it is a best place to shop for Halloween costumes. We all do not need to visit some place to prepare for the party this Halloween. Because all the costumes start to dress until accessories are available here. Halloween party was so perfect with Costumecauldron and Halloween pumpkin.

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